Step Change:

Improving Mental Health for students and staff

A Whole University Approach to Mental Health, Emotional Resilience and Wellbeing

The Wellbeing Ecosystem is a digital leaning platform that delivers e-learning courses and online tools to students and the entire university workforce.

A Whole University Approach to Mental Health

Flexible Learning
Charter, Wellbeing Policy, Accredited e-learning and Wellbeing Audit

Off-the-shelf and bespoke courses launched from your LMS or ours.

Resilience and Wellbeing
Managing Stress
Transitions  to and from Uni
Behaviour and Risk

Mental Health First Aid
Alcohol and Drug Awareness
Healthy Relationships
Managing Debt

The primary aim of the Wellbeing Ecosystem is to provide learning resources to support students and staff in developing their own personal resilience and wellbeing.

Secondary aims of the programme are to:

  • Raise awareness of the university policy and services on Mental Health and Wellbeing
  • Improve engagement with wellbeing services at the university
  • Help universities establish base-line data on self-reported levels wellbeing among staff and students
  • Deliver short courses to help students make successful transitions to and from higher education and in to meaningful work
  • Provide a range of other relevant CPD courses for staff.

This is not a one-size-fits all approach. We work with you to ensure your whole university wellbeing strategy is effective, cost-efficient, and delivered on time.



Project Management


Find out how we can add real value and support your strategy.